Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week Seven / Day Two

Not too much to update today, the only real feature added was the zooming effect seen in the screenshots below:

Pretty self-explanatory, (-) makes everything smaller while (+) makes it bigger, within a certain limit. While I've allowed zooming in beyond standard size, I'm not too sure I can think of a reason for doing so (other than increasing the difficulty due to visibility issues). It's one value to change so I may end up locking it down a bit more. I've actually found that playing at .8 times or so the standard scale makes for quite a different experience, and may actually be favorable to users for all play, rather than just getting a different perspective momentarily. Just have to see what my testers say I suppose.

As I said I would yesterday I started looking into sound, and fortunately it seems to be pretty straightforward. Just as textures are loaded at the beginning of application execution, sound files can be loaded and prepared at the same time. I believe my implementation will consist of an extension to the resource manager, that way I can make all the sound play calls from the root application engine module via the resource manager, which should keep things as clear as possible. Luckily in all my spaghetti stringing of code everything that warrants a sound has some representation in the application engine, so the rendering and gamestate engines can stay clueless. This will be tomorrow's job and I'm pretty sure I've got clear cut instructions for implementing, so it should be 100% by tomorrow evening.

I've started to think about what I'll use this blog for once the the game gets launched. I'm sure there will be bugs and fixes to make, so I'll describe my workings with them first and foremost. However, I think I'd also like to use this space to describe everything that is wrong with Chromovis. That isn't to say Chromovis is bad, as I'm quite proud of it, considering it's the largest solo (or group for that matter) project I've ever worked on. There is so much I've learned (a list which I would like to spell out upon completion) that has made it into this game, but more importantly what I've learned I shouldn't have done. I've complained about the handling of states quite a bit, so that is something that requires much more elaboration. I've also made quite a mess of the renderer in my opinion, so I'd like to pick it apart and plan for the next app better. My next game will not have the same depth as Chromovis, but will address different areas I need to learn about, such as procedural game flow and internet interaction. Regardless, all of the mistakes and downfalls of Chromovis will influence my next (simpler) game, and more importantly help me as I plan for my next BIG project. Stay tuned.

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