Friday, September 24, 2010

Week Nine / Day Five

Hello devoted readers, just a half day update today as I have alternative obligations.

I didn't quite feel like working on levels right away this morning, so I looked over my list of changes that still needed to be made. I started off working on getting the user defaults to work on iOS 4. I managed to crash the simulator:

There are supposed to be icons there, which required a reset of the simulator to fix; oops. Luckily, I can only get it to crash while debugging, and even so it is under specific conditions that it's happening, so hopefully it shouldn't cause any problems on the release. I did get user defaults working though, so now high scores and the player name should remain between play sessions. Sweet.

I also decided to do some updates with the 'About' section to create a proper credits section, as at the very least I needed to list the files I used from as well as their creators. After playing with the text size and location, I've got the following:

I think I may want to animate something along the right side now that I've freed up the extra room. We shall see.

I also played around with the art a bit today, as the play interface buttons are driving me nuts with their lack of any design. The planets also needed something a little different, so I just threw a picture of the moon over the gradient planet texture and turned the alpha way down, and got the version you see below. Also, I've always had the border around the play field, however it needed some adjustments, as it was too flat. Here are those changes with what I had as of yesterday for comparison:

I'm going to need to create an alternative texture for the opposite color, because the big 'O' there (no runtime pun intended) looks like crap in my opinion. Just a placeholder though. I also did some level tuning work as well, so things are going smoothly. Hopefully someone sees my post regarding the debug crash on the apple developer forums, as I'd like to know what the deal is with that. I also did some memory testing. Apparently the sound manager is full of leaks, which needs to be taken care of, but doesn't worry me too much as it is a small amount of code that wasn't release ready anyway. There also seems to be a leak associated with a vector when a level is first loaded, so that needs to be taken care of as well. I think that is it for this week. Enjoy your weekends, see you all (any?) on Monday.

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